Melchior talks Crypto (codes & ciphers)

To learn more about particular codes and ciphers you can select from one of the break out pages below.

  • How-to Videos (Link)
    Here we have some movies/animations that will walk you through how several substitution ciphers work.

  • Translator (Link)
    This is a simple substitution translation utility. You type in plain text and it will display a little information about the cipher you have selected to use as well as your encoded message. New cipher systems are being added regularly.

  • Jötunvillur (Link)
    This script, dating back to the Vikings (700s), was only cracked in 2014. It is a fairly simple cipher in theory. In practice, however, these codes can be very difficult to translate due to heavy overloading of certain characters within the cipher system itself.

  • Substitution Ciphers (Link)
    There are A LOT of straight up substitution ciphers. This page is a short attempt to break down how they work. I will be going back to add in some of the history later, but I was asked about these so, here you go! Rated PG-13, for implied math.

  • Transposition Ciphers (Link)
    Let's put this over here. Maybe a little of that over there. A pinch of math and VOILA! That's how you bring a room together.